Tall Trees Kids Profile

Your Child's Unique Style

It doesn't take any parent long to realise that each child is different. It's both intriguing and interesting to see how they interact with people and the environment in different ways. Naturally as a parent you want to create the best environment for your child to grow and develop. When we look at different types of trees, let's say a pine tree and a palm tree; we know that they have different requirements in terms of water, temperature, and soil. Kids, like ourselves, have different personality styles. Each personality type has different needs and strengths. Knowing and understanding your child's personality style will give you valuable insight into your child's specific way of thinking and acting. As a parent, you can then intentionally create the best habitat for your child to flourish.

Book a Tall Trees Kids Profile with a feedback session to discover your child's style.

About the Tall Trees Kids Profiles

The Tall Trees Kids Profile is a personality assessment developed specifically for children. The report will give parents, family and teachers a bit more insight into the child's unique personality type. What will you discover in your child's Tall Trees Kids Profile?

  • Your child's unique personality type.

  • How to create the best environment to develop your child's potential based on their type.

  • Your child's specific needs and how to make sure they FEEL loved and accepted.

  • Your child's personality stressors and how to help them avoid unnecessary stress, or how to handle it when it does occur.

  • How your child experiences feelings, and how you can adapt your approach to making your communication more effective.

  • Tips concerning discipline that best fit your child's style.

Each profile can be completed by up 4 individuals (eg. mom, dad, grandparent or teacher) to generate a realistic report on your child's personality.

(For more information about Tall Trees visit: www.talltreestraining.com)

How will this work?

  1. Order: Complete the Order form and receive the confirmation email with all the details.

  2. Complete: Use the code sent via email to log onto the portal and complete the Tall Trees Kids Profile (available in English or Afrikaans) on a stable internet connection. Assign the other individuals to complete the profile.

  3. Feedback: Book the feedback session where Johan will give feedback on the report, and explain how to practically use the information. The session can either be an in-person meeting, or an online session (Zoom).

  4. Reflect and Practice: Set out time to discuss your child's profile with your parenting partner. Plan and decide how you are going to put into practice the new insights you discovered.

Package Price & Further Coaching Options

Tall Trees Kids Profile Assessment include:

  • Tall Trees Kids Profile (completed by up to 4 individuals)

  • Feedback session with parents, 1 hour (In-person, or Online)

Price: R380

Consider one of the other Tall Trees options:

Tall Trees Parenting Profile

  • Discover your unique parenting style based on your personality, and explore how it could help you grow your child and make your parenting responsibility easier. Read more.

Tall Trees Teen Leadership Profile

  • Help your Teenager to learn more about their own personality, and how to work with their unique strengths. This will also give you as a parent new insight into the inner workings of your beloved teen. Read More.