Tall Trees Leadership Profile

Your unique style

Your temperament characteristics portray your thoughts, emotions and behaviour and are needs-based.

Have you ever felt that a personality or leadership profile could capture how you operate socially, but not at work or vice versa? Sometimes a test or profile forces you to choose one context – work or home. The report then becomes half a picture of a whole person, doesn’t it? That is the challenge of any profile – profiles tend to be one-dimensional. The Tall Trees Leadership Profile endeavours to give a 3-dimensional perspective on you as a leader, taking into account how you function socially, at work and in your overall approach to life.

We acknowledge that leadership is not just a cap you wear along with a job title – leadership is an attitude towards life in which leaders are willing to give their best while inviting the same in others. Therefore, your leadership report will apply to every area of your life, not just to your work environment. After all, leaders lead projects, pick picnic spots, sing the first note of Happy Birthday at a toddler’s party, or start riots in prison…

Book a Tall Trees Leadership Profile with feedback session to discover new insights about yourself!!

About the Tall Trees Profiles

Tall Trees is a South African developed assessment that gives you a 3 Dimentional report (Work Profile, Social Profile, Life View Profile & Leadership Profile) to discover your natural preferences, perspectives and approaches in different areas of your life. So what will you discover in your Tall Trees Profile?

  • How you approach responsibilities and new tasks.

  • What you are naturally good at.

  • What drains your mental and emotional energy, and how to recharge.

  • How you communicate, and handle conflict.

  • How you naturally define success, and how to move towards it.

  • What you can do to grow yourself and the relationship you view as most important, by understanding and appreciating more.

  • What your unique contributions are in each environment (Work, Family, Friendships).

(For more information about Tall Trees visit: www.talltreestraining.com)

How will this work?

  1. Order: Complete the Order form and receive the confirmation email.

  2. Complete: Use the code sent via email to complete the online Tall Trees Profile (available in English or Afrikaans).

  3. Feedback: Book the feedback session where Johan will give feedback on the report, and explain how to practically use the information. The session can either be an in-person meeting, or online session (Zoom).

  4. Practice: Set out time to reflect on your profile again. Plan and decide how you are going to put into practice the new insights you discovered.

  5. Coaching: If you want to make sure the profile does not just stay interesting information, but helps create transformation; book additional coaching sessions to help put your discoveries into action for growth.

Package Price & Further Coaching Options

Tall Trees Leadership Profile Assessment include:

  • Tall Trees Leadership Profile - Adult (PDF)

  • Feedback session, 1 hour (In-person, or Online)

Price: R640

Following the Feedback session after completing your profile follow-up coaching based on Tall Trees Profile can be explored:

Individual Coaching

  • Individual session in-person, or online.

  • Price: R450 (1 hour)

  • Possible Themes:

          1. How to be happier and more fulfilled at work

          2. I feel stuck - how to get momentum again

          3. I want to make a difference in the world

          4. I want to improve my communication

          5. Dealing with disappointment and frustrations